What’s the difference between e-gift cards and physical gift card?
Phisical card is a card image with its code on the back; E-code card is a digital code which is brought online. And the e-code’s price maybe lower than the phisical card’s.
What’s the drawbacks of e-gift cards/ Why the rate of e-gift card will be lower.

Currently the popularity of digital gift card has been meteorically increasing by around 10% in the gift card market at the growing rate of 200% year by year.
Comparing with the the growth of physical plastic gift card- steady 6%, you begin to think about how much more you can earn from digital gift card.
But you know, even though the growing rate of digit gift card is much bigger than that of physical gift card, the actual rate of digital gift card is somehow lower. So why would it be like that?
First one reason, rate was be restricted by technology strict the growth of the rate- digital gift card usually must be printed out because of the uncommon QR codes and smart phone in the previous days that meant people who got the card must redeem it by manually typing the code. That’s the inconvenience that reduced the demand for it.
Even though technology has developed well nowadays the redemption process of digital gift cards is still not consistent. Not to mention that there is another drawback of it- cannot be refunded. That’s true! There is nearly impossible to get a refund on a digital gift card.
And the third reason is that it can be sent to a wrong email address. It must be critical for you to ensure that you’re sending it to the right address.Then double-check will take much time.
The fourth one is that it is not presentable to be given out as a gift. It would look silly because there is no exquisite box for presenting it like doing a traditional gift card.
The last but not least, it cannot be available anywhere. There are still companies that distinguish gift card purchased online and ones are purchased in retail store. That means not all retailers stores allow digital gift card.