#Google play card

[SOLVED] How to fix ‘We need more info to redeem’ error of Google play gift card

it’s annoying when your Google play gift card shows this error message (We need more info to redeem) whenever you want to redeem it. Be rest assured: At kingcards have the solution you need kindly download our app on Andriod / iPhone sign up and upload your cards, we will sort it out for you shortly.

Fix gift card error “We need more info to redeem your gift card. Send us details.”

It’s very simple. if you are still getting the “We need more info to redeem” error, Do this:

Only Google play support can help you to resolve this problem so ‘contact them here‘ or upload your gift cards and we will help you contact them.

If you want a high rate and secure trading on your Google gift card or any gift card, ‘visit our website or download our mobile app on ‘Andriod or iPhone ‘. We buy gift cards instantly in exchange for Naira